The LA Collection

The Boulevard

I moved to LA in 2006 and left in 2019. I rode the wave of gentrification, I saw the boulevard change from its seedy roots to sterile nightclubs; I’ve been hassled and cat-called, but also comforted by strangers; I drove home with the sunset in my rearview and walked Hollywood Boulevard at 5a.m. after a student film shoot at the Kung Pow Kitty.

LA showed me awful people, but also the best, like JaFo. It’s a city that will knock you down and give you the chains to cuff yourself, but it will not build you back up, that is your job.

This collection of earrings will be ongoing, especially as I’ve watched so much of the city burn from afar as of January 2025, because LA is among my homes, it’s my city.


The Ghosts


The Gotham Collection