The Gotham Collection
I went into the Gotham series knowing three things - no Batman, Ben McKenzie (of The O.C.) was Jim Gordon, and Donal Logue was in it. I came out a fangirl for Robin Lord Taylor and an appreciation for Lisa Padovani, Gotham’s costume designer.
The sets perfectly take New York City’s architecture and bend it into the bleakness of Gotham with grays and dark neutrals to allow textures and the rare spots of color to illuminate their importance.
The frienemy-ship between Ed and Oswald had me cackling on a personal level, but also the sweetness between them hit every emotion. Both of their costumes are incredible The choice of green for Ed with his ever present question mark is suiting, though I can’t get down with the long emo hair in season 4. My favorite, though, is Oswald’s suit in season 1 episode 4 as he sits with the robbers eating cannolis. The mix of polka dots and stripes with the lightest touch of purple, such a great foreshadow to his later style.
Thing I love about the city of Gotham is it reminds me of Los Angeles in that opulence runs alongside working class and we hardly even notice.